At this point, just some musings. I'll try to post progress reports about planes and stuff.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Is this blog on?

Well, since I get some profile views, I figure I should put a little something here.

I've got a question to which I have yet to find a satisfactory answer. Here it is:

What's wrong with Livermore (Colorado)?

Do a search at this web page for properties in Livermore, and you'll find that there is a disproportionate number from Glacier View Meadows. Why? Is it Uranium in the well water? One of the 15 contaminants in the public water supplies?

There are 1020 lots according to the HOA, and 54 homes are for sale, along with 54 vacant lots (in a search from $1K to $2M). That's an abnormally large 10.5% of the available properties. This does not count multiple properties being sold together.


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